Calligraphy Biz Inner Circle

Your Instructor

Shinah Chang
Shinah Chang

Hi there! I'm Shinah and I'm a calligraphy and lettering artist with a pretty unusual background. I probably should have gone to art school when I was 18, but instead I went in the complete opposite direction - to Harvard University and then NYU Law School. For six years, I worked as a high-powered corporate attorney in a big law firm, and sketched lettering doodles when I got home late each night.

But then! I had an "aha" moment and quit my high-paying job to explore that creative side I always knew I had. After trying lots of different things, I finally took a calligraphy workshop and something just clicked. I had finally found that creative passion that I had been looking for all my life.

Now, I'm a professional calligrapher working with both big companies and tiny businesses. One of my favorite things is teaching calligraphy. I've taught hundreds of students in my in-person workshops. For me, calligraphy is not a stiff, formal, tedious thing - it's full of personality and expression! I truly believe that every person can learn this awesome skill (even if you have awful handwriting!)

Got any questions? Email me at [email protected] - I'd love to hear from you!

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